Youth Climbing Clubs
Youth Climbing Clubs are for those who wish to learn the sport of rock climbing as a recreational pursuit or in combination with another sport. These climbers might later choose to compete on the Adventus Youth Climbing Team, or they may simply focus on becoming the best climber they can. As the climber progresses in ability, the amount of climbing-specific coaching increases to allow climbers to progress and achieve their goals.
Level 1 develops the foundation in the sport of climbing. Participants begin their Adventus Climbing journey through exploration of their environment, movement, and developmental benchmarks and baseline physical and mental abilities.  Level 2 - Intermediate and Level 3 - Advanced are offered based on the progression of Level 1 participants .
Class Overview 
Monthly commitment
Practice once a week; 1 hour to 1.5 hours in length
Two age group options: Ages 7-10 and Ages 11-14 
Private instruction, structured curriculum  
Rental gear included 
Parents are welcome to stay, or they can drop their child off
Members: $55/month
Monthly auto-pay or annual membership required for this rate
Non-members: $120/month